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1959 Brigade Squad 65th Anniversary
9th January 2024

2024 marked an important date for a diverse group of old soldiers. It was on 9th January 1959 that 20 expectant recruits assembled at the old Guards Depot, Caterham. Several of us were answering the last National Service call-up before conscription ended in that same year.

Our unity speaks of the traditions of our Guards training and of our mutual respect and loyalty. The training was tough, the cohesion justified and we wore our Brigade tie with pride. Seven of us met, with apologies from a further five who were unable to attend. Our average age is now 85, our friendships undiminished.

We met on 9th January 2024 at Pratt’s Club in London, shared a celebration dinner, drank to absent members, and toasted the departed. We swapped happy tales of our times together. Parade grounds, assault courses, polished boots, red tunics, bearskins, guard duties at Buckingham Palace, The Tower and Bank of England. And peacekeeping soldiering worldwide.

And we vowed to honour our 70th anniversary too. The last man standing will answer the call and salute the treasured memory of bygone days.

Kit Constable Maxwell

Left-to-right: Roddy Bruce SG, John, Viscount Massereene & Ferrard GG, Kit Constable Maxwell SG, George Rees WG, Brigadier Johnny Rickett WG, Tim, Lord Tollemache CG, Michael,
Lord Heseltine WG

Absent friends: Peter Johnson SG, (snowbound in Cumbria), Tom Wills CG, Sir Clive Lawrence CG,
Hugh Myddelton CG, and Richard Saunders LG


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